Are Dormant Mold Spores A Risk

Are Dormant Mold Spores A Risk
August 26, 2021

Mold spores exist in the environment naturally, circulating all around us without anyone ever really noticing. Despite being the starting point for mold infestations in our homes, workplaces, and even cars, they don’t become a real issue until they encounter a favourable environment. When they find the ideal conditions for growth, it’s incredibly difficult to eliminate spores and slow growth without professional Langley & Fraser Valley mold removal Although mold spores need water, moisture, or humidity to grow, they won’t die without it — in fact, it’s almost as if they take a nap in the absence of moisture. Bella Restoration Ltd, a top mold removal service in Langley BC, addresses the direct causes of mold growth in your home during mold inspections and mold removal in Langley to eliminate these lurking mold spores and future infestations. Are those dormant mold spores a risk to your health and property? Let’s learn more.

Mold Spores: What Are They? How Are They Problematic?

Mold spores are a natural fungus made of plant and animal matter. There are various species of mold all of which can grow virtually anywhere as long as there’s moisture. When the spores circulate in the air, they’re automatically attracted to damp environments, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements.

If you happen to notice visible mold growth in your home, you need to get mold removal in Langley to eradicate it entirely. Mold will only be managed, not eliminated, by a dehumidifier or air conditioner drying out the environment: the spores just become dormant not eliminated. The problem with mold spores is that they’re tough and can survive for years in dry conditions, making it nearly impossible to know if they’re in your home. Different types of mold behave differently, and some species require minimal amounts of moisture in the air they grow. All it takes is some condensation, a bit of water, or a steaming hot shower, and your environment is suddenly humid again, which can quickly reactive mold spores, leading to rapid growth and infestation.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t pay attention to humidity levels. Because you may not know if mold spores are in fact in your home without professional mold testing, it’s essential to manage the factors that promote mold growth in your home to ensure that you don’t need mold removal in Fraser Valley. 

Conditions For Mold Infestations

Without constant moisture, mold spores will become inactive, but they never actually die unless eliminated by a professional mold removal service in Langley. Once your mold problem has been neutralized, you’ll want to maintain low humidity levels in your home — ideally between 30% and 50% to prevent a future outbreak.

Mold growth thrives in humid environments with little air-flow, so in addition to a dehumidifier, ensure that your home has proper ventilation through windows and vents, especially in areas prone to excess moisture. 

Mold Removal Services From Bella Restoration

It’s not safe or practical to remove mold yourself, even if you think your home environment is dry. If you want to completely get rid of mold growth in your home, contact our IICRC certified team at Bella Restoration Ltd, where we will successfully eliminate your mold infestation. We also offer specialty drying, fire restoration, sewer backup and emergency plumbing throughout Langley and the Fraser Valley.

Contact Bella Restoration Ltd. today for all your mold removal needs.